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Hammond Museum and Japanese Stroll Garden June Virtual Exhibition


Curated by Bibiana Huang Matheis 黄家璧

Hosted by Poet Gold

Saturday, June 5, 2021 - Friday, June 3, 2022

View Reception on Facebook Live

Hosted by Poet Gold

Watch the exhibition opening and artist reception recorded on Saturday, June 5, 2021

June Exhibition Montage

A video montage of all works of art from the June 2021 virtual exhibition

Poetry - Antimeria by Nora Madonick

June 2021 muse painting

June Muse by Bibiana Huang Matheis 黄家璧

Flowing in a

Year Together

June Musical Accompaniments

Full Circle, a piano improvisation by Chris Farrell

00:00 / 04:16

Good Things Must by John Gibson

00:00 / 01:07

June Exhibition Artists

Diane Churchill

Elaine Langer

Karen LaFleur

Nancy Tucker

Jackie Merritt

Maria Morabito

Pauline Chernichaw


Neelima Prasad Sinha

Harriet Forman Barrett

Anthony Pellegrino

Lucy M Krupenye

Bridget Pavalow

Traci Meitzle

Irene Osborn

Alice Harrison

Michael Gellatly

Sachiko Miki  三木 サチコ

Nalini Rau

Catherine Schmitt

Erla Thórarinsdottir

Nayeli García

Khadija Zizi

Marlow Shami

Susan Hennelly

Carol Oster

Jennifer Cadoff

Nancy Egol Nikkal

Pauline Chernichaw

Joan Blazis Levitt

Aisla Islava

Jenna Lash

Ceci Cole McInturff

Kris Lee

Ellen Pliskin

Shreya Mehta

Robyn Ellenbogen

Linda Greenhouse

Leonie Castelino

Osiris Munir

Conversation, a painting by Diane Churchill
Lotus and Pod Geometry, a pastel by Elaine Langer
Screen-shot from Party On, a video animation by Karen LaFleur
Assurance, a pastel by Jackie Merritt
Running Free, a painting by Maria Morabito
Glass Ceiling, a painting by Pauline Chernichaw
The Plantings, a performance video by Suprina
Enigma, a painting by Dr Neelima Prasad Sinha
Plains of Existence, a painting by Harriet Forman Barrett
One with Your Surroundings, a collage by Anthony Pellegrino
Tribal Totem, a sculpture by Lucy M Krupenye
Characters, a digital drawing by Bridget Pavalow
Latitude, a painting by Traci Meitzler
Through the Wall, a sculpture by Irene Osborn
Puzzled Earth, a collagraph print by Alice Harrison
Croqueting Through The Anthropocene, a painting by Michael Gellatly
Drawing 2021, a painting by Sachiko Miki  三木 サチコ
There Is No Other: Anyatha Naasti, a video by Nalini Rau
Memories, a sculpture by Catherine Schmitt
Not Yet Born, a painting by Erla Thórarinsdottir
My Son Is At The Border?, a lithography by Nayeli García
In Loving Memory of Khnata, a painting by Khadija Zizi
Circle, a video by Marlow Shami
Frog, a painting by Susan Hennelly
3 Broomsticks, a sculpture by Carol Oster
City Living #3, a collage by Jennifer Cadoff
Color of Dreams 4, a collage by Alice Harrison
2019 Ruin’s Riddle, a sculpture by Catherine Schmitt
Mouth, a collage by Nancy Egol Nikkal
You Left the Room, a painting by Pauline Chernichaw
North Dakota Horse Trainer, a painting by Joan Blazis Levitt
Cherry Blossoms, a painting by Aisla Islava
Cosmic Currency Series: Red Dotted Abstract, a painting by Jenna Lash
Partus, a sculpture by Ceci Cole McInturff
Cruel April #2, artwork by Kris Lee
SOL, a monoprint by Ellen Pliskin
Lava Dandelion, a painting by Shreya Mehta
Single Drop of Water, a painting by Robyn Ellenbogen
Spring Profusion, a photograph by Linda Greenhouse
Cocoon of Power, a sculpture by Leonie Castelino
No Thinking Just Feeling, a painting by Osiris Munir
We Are All Together, a painting by Erla Thórarinsdottir
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