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Wagon / Door at Number 25 / Three Red Columns, three paintings by Ellen Pliskin

Wagon / Door at Number 25 / Three Red Columns

Ellen Pliskin

New York, New York


Silk Aquatint Monoprint

14 x 11 inches


I saw this lovely wagon leaning against a brightly colored doorway in far away China.

Door at Number 25

Watercolor, Gouache, Pencil on Paper

30 x 22 inches

$2,800 USD - INQUIRE


My latest series of watercolors reflect traditional painting and a modernist pictorial exploration. I love to use layers of color to suggest places like this doorway. I let the colors flow into each other and flood the entire sheet of paper. In such bleak times, this series of doorways and windows have become a metaphor for hope and perhaps even, a new beginnings.

Three Red Columns

Silk Aquatint Monoprint

11 x 9 inches



This is a view of the colorful interior I found in the Forbidden City in Beijing. I was suprised to find this fanciful architecture and thought it was meant to convery to the viewer a sense of harmony and well being.

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