Tracing VI III from the Tracing the Origin Series
By Fei Cui
Quietude - Group Show
Fei Cui
September 11 to November 9, 2019
Curated by Evelyn Tapani-Rosenthal.
In my on-going series Tracing the Origin, I use “Chinese characters” as the subject to explore the relationship between human beings and nature.
Chinese writing originated from nature as ideograms, over time the characters were simplified, abstracted and separated from their original context, their origin is no longer recognizable. My work takes a similar tack. I began working with grape tendrils—the found gestures look like Chinese calligraphy strokes written in grass style. I transformed them into two-dimensional works of different colors and scale or into three-dimensional works made with varied materials. As a result, the tendrils cannot be easily identified in the finished work. Different media used in this series, such as installation, printmaking, and photography are intended to symbolize how Chinese written characters have become detached from their origin; and by inference, how humans have also detached themselves from nature.
Each medium used in this series is carefully chosen, while dealing with the same issue, I want each process to bring in or highlight different perspectives.
ARTIST RECEPTION - Saturday, Sept 14, 2019 1 - 3pm
Exhibit is open during museum hours:
Wednesday - Saturday, 12 to 4pm